A. J. Ofodile American football player

Anselm Aniagboso Ofodile, Jr. (born October 9, 1973) is a former American football tight end in the National Football League for the Baltimore Ravens, originally drafted by the Buffalo Bills. He played college football at University of Missouri. He is now the head football coach of Rock Bridge High School in Columbia, Missouri, where he also serves as Department Chair for the school's Physical Education department.

Personal facts

Birth dateOctober 09, 1973
Birth place


American football player

Career start1994
Career end1999
Draft pick158
Draft round5
Draft year1994
Tight end
Baltimore Ravens
National Football League
Pittsburgh Steelers
World League of American Football

A. J. Ofodile on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://footballdb.com/players/aj-ofodile-ofodiaj01
  2. http://www.all-xfl.com/memphismaniax/team/roster/ajofofile.htm