A. M. Azahari Politician

Sheikh Azahari bin Sheikh Mahmud (1928/29–2002), better known as A.M. Azahari, was a Brunei politician turned rebel. Born of mixed Arab-Malay heritage in Labuan, he was educated in Java and later fought against the Dutch there. He was the leader of the Brunei People's Party which sought to reduce the power of Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin III to a constitutional monarch during the Brunei Revolt in 1962.Azahari's party won all 16 elected seats in the 33-member legislative council and as a left-leaning politician, Azahari strongly objected to the Sultan's idea for Brunei's membership in the Federation of Malaysia, along with British North Borneo (which was later renamed to Sabah), Sarawak and Singapore.The idea of the North Kalimantan was originally proposed by Azahari, who had forged links with Sukarno's nationalist movement, together with Ahmad Zaidi Adruce, in Java in the 1940s. The idea supported and propagated the unification of all Borneo territories under British rule to form an independent leftist North Kalimantan state. Azahari personally favoured Brunei's independence and merging with British North Borneo and Sarawak to form the federation with the Sultan of Brunei as the constitutional monarch.However, the Brunei People’s Party was in favour of joining Malaysia on the condition it was as the unified three territories of northern Borneo with their own Sultan, and hence was strong enough to resist domination by Malaya, Singapore, Malay administrators or Chinese merchants.The North Kalimantan (or Kalimantan Utara) proposal was seen as a post-decolonization alternative by local opposition against the Malaysia plan. Local opposition throughout the Borneo territories was primarily based on economic, political, historical and cultural differences between the Borneo states and Malaya, as well as the refusal to be subjected under peninsular political domination.During the Brunei Revolt, Azahari was in Manila and managed to avoid capture by British and Commonwealth forces that help quell the revolt. He was even involved in the Limbang raid.

Personal facts

Birth dateSeptember 03, 1928
Birth place
Labuan , British Crown Colony of Labuan
Date of deathSeptember 03, 2002
Place of death
Indonesia , Kalimantan
Ecole Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr
School of Applied Artillery (France)


Office holder

Omar Ali Saifuddien III
Leader of Partai Rakyat Brunei
Prime Minister of North Borneo Federation
Brunei People's Party
Jasin Affandy
Post abolished

A. M. Azahari on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.bookrags.com/history/worldhistory/parti-rakyat-brunei-ema-04
  2. http://www.gimonca.com/sejarah/sejarah09.shtml
  3. http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2002/18236.htm