Abdul Salaam American football player

Abdul Salaam No. 74 Defensive tacklePersonal information Date of birth: (1953-08-12) August 12, 1953 (age 58) Place of birth: New Brockton, AlabamaCareer information College: Kent State University NFL Draft: 1976 / Round: 7 / Pick: 188 Debuted in 1976 for the New York Jets Last played in 1983 for the New York JetsCareer history New York JetsCareer NFL statistics Sacks 2.5 Fumble recoveries 4 Games played 97 Stats at NFL. com Abdul Salaam (born Larry Faulk; August 12, 1953) is a former American football player best remembered for his days as a defensive tackle with the New York Jets' famed "New York Sack Exchange."

Personal facts

Birth dateAugust 12, 1953
Birth place
New Brockton Alabama


American football player

Career start1976
Career end1983
Debut team
New York Jets
Draft pick188
Draft round7
Draft year1976
Tackle (American and Canadian football)
New York Jets

Abdul Salaam on Wikipedia