Abhay Ashtekar Scientist

Abhay Vasant Ashtekar (born July 5, 1949) is an Indian theoretical physicist. He is the Eberly Professor of Physics and the Director of the Institute for Gravitational Physics and Geometry at Pennsylvania State University. As the creator of Ashtekar variables, he is one of the founders of loop quantum gravity and its subfield loop quantum cosmology. He has also written a number of descriptions of loop quantum gravity that are accessible to non-physicists. In 1999, Ashtekar and his colleagues were able to calculate the entropy for a black hole, matching a legendary 1974 prediction by Hawking. Oxford mathematical physicist Roger Penrose has described Ashtekar's approach to quantum gravity as "The most important of all the attempts at 'quantizing' general relativity."

Personal facts

Birth dateJuly 05, 1949
Birth place
India , Maharashtra , Kolhapur
United States
University of Chicago
University of Texas at Austin
Known for
Loop quantum gravity



Gravity Prize
doctoral advisor
Robert Geroch
Field of study
Loop quantum gravity

Abhay Ashtekar on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://arxiv.org/find/grp_physics/1/au:+ashtekar/0/1/0/all/0/1
  2. http://cgpg.gravity.psu.edu/people/Ashtekar/index.html