Abraham Haskel Taub Scientist

Abraham Haskel Taub (February 1, 1911 – August 9, 1999) was a distinguished American mathematician and physicist, well known for his important contributions to the early development of general relativity, as well as differential geometry and differential equations. He is perhaps best known for a 1948 paper dealing with relativistic shock waves, in which he introduced a relativistic generalization of the Rankine-Hugoniot jump conditions across a shock, which is now known as the "Taub Adiabat. " Taub earned his doctorate at Princeton University in 1935, under the direction of the prominent relativist Howard Percy Robertson. At Princeton, Taub was also influenced by Oswald Veblen.

Personal facts

Abraham Haskel Taub
Birth dateFebruary 01, 1911
Birth place
United States
Date of deathAugust 09, 1999



doctoral student
Gene H. Golub
Field of study

Abraham Haskel Taub on Wikipedia