Adolphe Chenevière Writer

Adolphe Chenevière, D.ès.L. (1855–1917) was a fin de siècle Swiss novelist, short story writer, and literary scholar.Adolphe Chenevière was born to Arthur Chenevière (a state counsellor for the canton of Geneva) and Susanne Firmine (née Munier). He earned a doctorate from the University of Paris; his thesis, Bonaventure Des Périers, sa vie, sa poésie, examined the life and poetic works of the 16th-century author Bonaventure des Périers. E. Plon published the thesis during 1885, and also published Chenevière's Latin dissertation on Plutarch, De Plutarchi Familiaribus, during the next year. Having completed his studies, Chenevière married Blanche Ernestine Augustine Lugol during 1885; the next year, their first son, Jacques Chenevière, was born in Paris. During 1888, their second son, André Alfred, was born, but he did not survive infancy; Chenevière's mother, too, died that year.From the late 1880s through the end of the century, he wrote a steady series of novels, including various romances published by Alphonse Lemerre. One of his stories, "Tonton", was translated into English and included in the third volume of the International Short Stories series published by P.F. Collier & Son during 1910. Stratford Magazine republished this translation in their September 1927 issue, ten years after Chenevière's death.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 30, 1855
Birth place
Date of deathJanuary 01, 1917
Place of death
University of Paris



Historical romance

Adolphe Chenevière on Wikipedia