Æthelhere of East Anglia Monarch

Æthelhere (died November 15, 655) was King of East Anglia from 653 or 654 until his death. Æthelhere was a member of the ruling Wuffingas dynasty and was one of three sons of Eni to rule East Anglia as Christian kings. He was a nephew of Rædwald, who was the first of the Wuffingas of which more than a name is known.Rædwald and his son Eorpwald both ruled as pagans before being converted to Christianity. After Eorpwald's murder in around 627, the East Angles briefly reverted to heathenism, before Christianity was re-established by Sigeberht. After Sigeberht abdicated in favour of his co-ruler Ecgric, the East Angles were defeated in battle by the Mercians led by their king Penda, during which both Ecgric and Sigeberht were slain. In 651, the monks at Cnobheresburg were driven out by Penda and Ecgric's successor Anna was forced into temporarily exile. Penda attacked East Anglia again in 653 and at the Battle of Bulcamp, Anna and his son were slain and the East Anglian army was defeated. Æthelhere then became king, possibly ruling jointly with his surviving brother, Æthelwold. During Æthelhere's brief reign, it is known that Botolph's monastery at Iken was built.In 655, Æthelhere was one of thirty noble warlords who joined with Penda in an invasion of Northumbria, laying siege to Oswiu and the much smaller Northumbrian army. The battle was fought on November 15, 655, near the Winwæd, an unidentified river, where the Northumbrians were victorious and many of the Mercians and their allies were killed or drowned. In the battle, Penda and nearly all his warlords, including Æthelhere, were killed.

Personal facts

Date of deathJanuary 01, 0655
Place of death
Battle of the Winwaed
Eni of East Anglia
TitleKing of the East Angles
