Al Wilson American football player

Al "Dirt" Wilson (born April 6, 1950, in Duncan, British Columbia) is a former professional Canadian football player with the Canadian Football League British Columbia Lions. Wilson spent his entire 15 year career with the Lions as an offensive lineman. Wilson played American college football at Montana State University. He is a member of the Canadian Football Hall of Fame, the B.C. Sports Hall of Fame, the B.C. Lions Wall of Fame, and has a street named in his honor, "Al Wilson Grove," in his hometown of Duncan. Wilson's #52 jersey is one of eight numbers retired by the B.C. Lions. In 2003, Wilson was voted a member of the B.C. Lions All-Time Dream Team as part of the club’s 50 year anniversary celebration. In 2006, Wilson was voted to the Honour Roll of the CFL's top 50 players of the league's modern era by Canadian sports network TSN.

Personal facts

Birth dateApril 06, 1950
Birth place
Duncan British Columbia
Height (meters)1.8796
Weight (Kilograms)108.864


American football player

Montana State University
Guard (American and Canadian football)

Al Wilson on Wikipedia