Alec Devon Kreider Criminal

Alec Devon Kreider (born February 4, 1991) is a Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, criminal who was convicted for the three murders of a Manheim Township family on May 12, 2007. Kreider entered guilty pleas to three counts of first degree murder on June 17, 2008.Kreider is now serving three consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole. Some controversy remains as to the validity of Kreider's convictions. Judge David Ashworth denied Kreider's post-sentence challenge to his consecutive sentences. The Pennsylvania Superior Court affirmed Ashworth's denial. Kreider filed a petition under Pennsylvania's Post-Conviction Collateral Relief Act on December 8, 2009. Common Pleas Court Judge David Ashworth denied the PCRA on June 15, 2010. An appeal to Pennsylvania Superior Court was later discontinued by Kreider. Despite this development, the legal wranglings continue.

Personal facts

Birth dateFebruary 04, 1991
