Aleksander Kamiński

Aleksander Kamiński (January 28, 1903 - March 15, 1978) was a Polish school teacher, form tutor, author of Polish Cub Scout and Brownie method, writer, historian, Scoutmaster (harcmistrz), and during the occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany, wartime resistance leader under the codenames: Kamyk, Dąbrowski, J. Dąbrowski, Fabrykant, Faktor, Juliusz Górecki, Hubert, Kaźmierczak.

Personal facts

Aleksander Kamiński
Birth dateJanuary 28, 1903
Birth place
Warsaw , Russian Empire , Congress Poland
Date of deathMarch 15, 1978
Place of death
Poland , Warsaw


Aleksander Kamiński on Wikipedia