Aleksander Ludwik Radziwiłł

Prince Aleksander Ludwik Radziwiłł (Lithuanian: Aleksandras Liudvikas Radvila) (1594-1654) was a Polish-Lithuanian noble.He was Ordynat of Nieśwież, Stolnik of Lithuania since 1626, Krajczy of Lithuania since 1630, voivode of Brześć Litewski Voivodship since 1631 to 1635, Court Marshal of Lithuania since 1635, Grand Marshal of Lithuania in 1637-1654 and voivode of Połock Voivodship since 1654. Starost słonimski, upicki, brasławski, szadowski, nowowołyński, jurborski, olicki.He married Tekla Anna Wołłowicz in 1626, Katarzyna Eugenia Tyszkiewicz in 1639 and Lucricia Marie Strozzi in October, 1642 in Warsaw. His marriage to Katarzyna Eugenia Tyszkiewicz, widow of Konstanty Wiśniowiecki's son, led to the conflict between Aleksander Ludwik Radziwłł and Jeremi Wiśniowiecki over the inheritance of Konstanty. Eventually, Katarzyna defected to Jeremi's side and divorced Aleksander, who was forced to give up his claims.He kept away from politics during the reign of Sigismund III Vasa, but supported Władysław IV Waza, in his election in 1632. However towards the end of his life he distanced himself from Władysław, by opposing his plans of war with Ottomans.

Personal facts

Aleksander Ludwik Radziwiłł
Birth dateAugust 04, 1594
Birth place
Date of deathMarch 30, 1654
Mikołaj Krzysztof the Orphan Radziwiłł
Katarzyna Eugenia Tyszkiewicz
Cecylia Maria Radziwiłł
Joanna Katarzyna Radziwiłł


Aleksander Ludwik Radziwiłł on Wikipedia