Alexander Campbell of Carco Cleric

Alasdair Caimbeul or Alexander Campbell of Carco (died February 1608) was a Scottish noble and prelate. Coming from a branch of Clan Campbell in the allegiance of the Earl of Argyll, his career began in the 1560s still only a minor, serving the Earl of Argyll's interest. He was made Bishop of Brechin, and almost immediately alienated the majority of the bishopric's historical resources into the hands of the earl. After some traveling to receive a Protestant education at Geneva, he returned to Scotland in the mid-1570s as an adult and resumed his career as minister and (now) titular Bishop of Brechin. He held this position until 1607, a year before his death.

Personal facts

Birth place
Date of deathJanuary 01, 1608
Place of death


Alexander Campbell of Carco on Wikipedia

External resources
