Alfonso Vallejo Writer

Alfonso Vallejo (born 1943, Santander) is a Spanish playwright, poet, painter and neurologist. He has published 34 plays and 25 poetry books. Vallejo was awarded the Lope de Vega prize in 1976 for his play "El desgüace". "Ácido Sulfúrico" was the runner up prize in 1975. In 1978 he received the Internacional Tirso de Molina prize for his work A Tumba Abierta. The Royal Academia of Spain (Real Academia Española), in 1981, awarded Vallejo the Fastenrath de la Real Academia prize for "El cero transparente".Vallejo’s plays have been performed in many cities in Europe, the United States and South America. His works have also been translated into French, German, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese and Bulgarian.Alfonso Vallejo is a Professor of Medical Pathology practicing in one of the major hospitals in Madrid. He qualified as a medical doctor from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 1966 and continued his professional training in Spain, Britain, Germany, France and Denmark.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1943
Birth place
Santander Spain
