Alfred Bohrmann Scientist

Alfred Bohrmann (February 28, 1904 – January 4, 2000) was a German astronomer.He did his Ph.D. dissertation in 1927 at the Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl (Königstuhl Observatory, near Heidelberg) at the University of Heidelberg.At the time, the observatory at Heidelberg was a center for asteroid discovery by Max Wolf and Karl Reinmuth and others, and during his time there Bohrmann discovered a number of asteroids.Bohrmann worked at the observatory from 1924 to 1958. He left the observatory after a dispute with the higher authority. The asteroid 1635 Bohrmann is named after him.

Personal facts

Birth dateFebruary 28, 1904
Date of deathJanuary 04, 2000
Heidelberg University
