Alfred Ghiro Politician

Alfred Ghiro (born August 13, 1968 in Baro, Makira) is a Solomon Islands politician.He began his career in national politics when he was elected MP for East Makira in the August 2010 general election, standing as a candidate for the Democratic Party. The Democrats obtained thirteen seats out of fifty, making them by far the largest party in the National Parliament, but their leader Steve Abana failed to obtain the support of a parliamentary majority after the election, and thus became Leader of the Opposition to Prime Minister Danny Philip's government. Appointing his Shadow Cabinet, Abana made Ghiro Shadow Minister for Provincial Government and Institutional strengthening.At some point, Ghiro defected to the parliamentary majority, becoming a government backbencher, despite being a member of the main opposition party. He subsequently defected back to the Opposition, accompanying several government ministers, on August 20, 2011. When those ministers rejoined the government the following month, he followed suit on February 21.When Gordon Darcy Lilo replaced Philip as Prime Minister in November 2011, he appointed Ghiro as Minister for Public Service. On or around 1 March 2012, Lilo reshuffled Ghiro to the position of Minister for Fisheries, whereby he exchanged portfolios with Bradley Tovosia.

Personal facts

Birth dateAugust 13, 1968
Birth place


Office holder

Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources
Minister for Public Service
Democratic Party (Solomon Islands)
prime minister
East Makira

Alfred Ghiro on Wikipedia