Allen Apsley Military person

Sir Allen Apsley (1616–1685) was a leading Royalist, in the English Civil War. He was the son of Sir Allen Apsley (1582–1630), and brother of Lucy Hutchinson (1620–1681).He began his military career as a captain in Lord Goring's regiment in 1639. He was chosen to be Master of the King's Hawks. He fought in the Battle of Cropredy Bridge on 29 June 1644. He was a Colonel in co-command, of the rearguard of foot of the Reds. He was also in co-command of the rearguard of horse.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1616
Birth place
St Martin-in-the-Fields
Date of deathOctober 15, 1683
Place of death
Resting place
Westminster Abbey


Military person

military operations
Battle of Cropredy Bridge
Battle of Naseby
Wardour Castle
Second Battle of Newbury

Allen Apsley on Wikipedia