Ashraf Abdelwahab Politician

Ashraf Hassan Abdelwahab (Arabic: أشرف حسن عبدالوهاب‎) is an Egyptian academic, Business Executive and politician. He was the Acting Minister of State for Administrative Development in the cabinets of Essam Sharaf and Kamal Ganzouri from March 2011 to August 2012. Currently he works at Microsoft as Corporate Affairs Director for GULF and North Africa.In 1983, Abdelwahab received his BSc in Electronics and Communications Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, and in 1988, he earned his MSc degree in Computer Engineering. Later in 1992, he received his PhD in Computer Engineering from Cairo University, and the practical part was implemented at the Center for Artificial Intelligence (CAI), George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA (Peace Fellowship).Abdelwahab has taught Computer Engineering Courses in many Egyptian and American Universities such as the Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Faculty of Computers and Information, Helwan University, Speed School of Engineering, University of Louisville in Kentucky, USA, and at the Center for Advanced Computer Studies(CACS), University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Louisiana,USA. Abdelwahab has published more than 50 papers in national and international journals and conferences; in addition to supervising several graduate students in their Masters and PhD theses.In 1984, Abdelwahab joined the Electronic Research Institute(ERI), where he was promoted to head the Artificial Intelligence Group in 2002. Furthermore, since 1986, Abdelwahab gained tremendous industry experience during his work as an IT Consultant at leading IT companies, The Egyptian Public Authority for Drainage Projects (EPADP), The Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture, The Egyptian Ministry of Transport, and the Principal Bank for Development and agricultural Credit.In 2004, Abdelwahab joined the Egyptian Ministry of State for Administrative Development (MSAD) as a senior Advisor to the Minister. Two years later, Abdelwahab was promoted to become the Deputy Minister of State for Administrative Development where he had to formulate the ministry's strategies. In 2001, prior to joining the Ministry of State for Administrative Development, Abdelwahab worked at the Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), where he headed the e-government project, as well as the ICT Trust Fund (ICT4D).Abdelwahab represented Egypt and MSAD in various committees, conferences and international meetings such as, the Public Governance Committee (PGC) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). He also attended many training courses in Egypt and abroad on IT and Good Governance. Under Dr.Abdelwahab's leadership of the Ministry Of State For Administrative Development, the ministry won 2nd place in the UN Public service award in 2 consecutive years (2011 & 2012).
