Avet Terterian Artist

Avet Terterian (also Alfred Roubenovich Terterian or Terteryan) (July 29, 1929 in Baku, Transcaucasian SSR, Soviet Union – December 11, 1994 in Yekaterinburg, Russia) was an Armenian composer, awarded the Konrad Adenauer Prize. He was a friend and colleague of Giya Kancheli, Konstantin Orbelyan, and Tigran Mansuryan. Dmitri Shostakovich praised Terterian as "very talented" and "with great future" in one of his letters, published by his friend Isaak Glikman, having heard a recording of Terterian's works at Armenia's "House of Composers" summer resort, in Dilijan, Armenia.He composed eight (completed) symphonies, an opera and several chamber works.Several of his symphonies are recorded, as noted in one of the pages linked. (The date 1973 in the Musicweb review of the Melodiya recording of symphony 3 is probably a typographical error, since the publisher's listing also gives 1975 for the first performance of that work.)Yekaterinburg's annual music festival is named after him.

Personal facts

Birth dateJuly 29, 1929
Birth place
Date of deathDecember 11, 1994
