Aylin Nazlıaka Politician

Aylin Nazlıaka is born in 1968 in Ankara. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Middle East Technical University. She completed “Emerging Leaders” programme at Harvard Kennedy School in the USA. She started her career at Koç Holding which is one the largest and most successful groups of companies in Turkey. At the age of 24, she decided to establish her own company, named as HRM Consulting. The firm has become one of the most reputable human resources consultancy companies in Turkey. She became one of the leading names of Turkey in the scope of management and human resources. In addition to HRM Consulting, she became the partner of an international human resources company in 2008, which has offices in 52 countries.Aylin Nazlıaka is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences. She has many articles published in journals. She gave lectures about Human Resources Management at Bilkent University. She is the Advisory Board Member of Endeavor Turkey. (www.endeavor.org).Thanks to a proposal made by Republican People’s Party (CHP), she entered politics that has always taken her great interest and selected as the member of Party Assembly in 2010. In the elections of 2011, she has been selected as the Deputy of Ankara. Besides, she is the member of EU Harmonization and Turkey-EU Joint Parliamentary Committee at Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Aylin Nazlıaka is the architect of the CHP’s “Plus for the Youth” project which aims to create equal opportunity for unemployed young people. Awards won include “Business Women of the Year Award”, 2001; “Middle East Technical University Honor Award”, 2002; “Young Business Women of the Year Award”, 2008; “Awards For People Touching Lives”,2012; “Member of Parliament of the Year Award”, 2012; “Women’s Platform Award”, 2012; “Member of Parliament of the Year Award”, 2013; “Politician of the Year Award”, 2013 and “Politician of the Year Award”, 2014. She is married with two children.

Personal facts

Birth dateDecember 03, 1968
Birth place


Office holder

Republican People's Party (Turkey)

Aylin Nazlıaka on Wikipedia

External resources

  1. http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/develop/owa/milletvekillerimiz_sd.bilgi?p_donem=24&p_sicil=6690