Barbara Rosenthal Artist

Barbara Rosenthal (born 1948, The Bronx, New York) is an American avant-garde artist, writer and performer. Her existential themes have contributed to contemporary art and philosophy. Her pseudonyms include "Homo Futurus," taken from the title of one of her books, and "Cassandra-on-the-Hudson", which alludes to her studio and residence since 1998 on the Hudson River in Greenwich Village, NYC, and “the dangerous world she envisions”.Rosenthal is idiosyncratic and prolific. She is known for often revisiting past works, recombining old elements with new, and often appears in her work in some way. These may include x-rays, brain scans and clothing. Sometimes she utilizes physical or textual elements from her journals. As a creative artist within the fields of surrealism and existentialism, Rosenthal brings existential content, via the subconscious, to conceptual art and is known for her intense introspection. and by using herself "as a guinea pig", explores what it means to be human. Her personal vision evolves with advancing technology.As an artist, Rosenthal is known as an Old Master of New Media because of her long history in media including photography, video, performance, projection installation, interactive, electronic and digital media, text, collage, prints, artists' books and objects. Almost all are produced in editions. Most combine camera, text and performative aspects. Elements of Rosenthal's body of work, "Surreal Photography" are often present.

Personal facts

Barbara Rosenthal
Birth dateJanuary 01, 1948
Birth place
New York
United States



Field of work
Conceptual art
New media
training at
Carnegie Mellon University
Tyler School of Art

Barbara Rosenthal on Wikipedia

External resources
