Baron Batch American football player

Baron Batch (born December 21, 1987) is a Pittsburgh-based American artist, entrepreneur and former American football running back who retired from the NFL in 2013. He played college football at Texas Tech University. Batch chose to play college football at Texas Tech University over offers from Northwestern University, Duke University, and New Mexico State University. Batch is from Midland, Texas. He is the owner and creator of Angry Man Salsa and advertising agency Studio AM. He is the brother of Brian Batch of the band Alpha Rev.

Personal facts

Baron Batch
Birth dateDecember 21, 1987
Birth place
Odessa Texas
Height (meters)1.7526
Weight (Kilograms)95.256


American football player

Career start2012
Debut team
Pittsburgh Steelers
Draft pick232
Draft round7
Draft year2011
Former team
Pittsburgh Steelers
Running back

Baron Batch on Wikipedia

External resources
