Ben Cahoon American football player

Ben Cahoon (born July 16, 1972) is a former professional Canadian football slotback who spent his entire career with the Montreal Alouettes of the Canadian Football League. He won the award for the Most Outstanding Canadian in the CFL two years in a row in 2002 and 2003.At the time of his retirement after the 2010 season, Cahoon ranked sixth overall in career receiving yards with 13,301 yards and the all-time leader overall in pass receptions with 1,017. He is also the all-time leading receiver in Grey Cup history with 46 receptions and 658 receiving yards. In 2011, Cahoon became the receivers coach at Brigham Young University; he was dismissed after the 2012 season after the school replaced its offensive coordinator.

Personal facts

Birth dateJuly 16, 1972
Birth place
Orem Utah
Height (meters)1.7526
Weight (Kilograms)83.916
