Bill Banker American football player

Willis Burton "Bill" Banker (April 4, 1907 – September 25, 1985) was an American football player. He was known as the "Blonde Blizzard" due to his blonde hair and playing without a helmet. Banker held Tulane's school records for career scoring (263 points), career touchdowns (37), career rushing yards (2,516), touchdowns in a single game (4), most rushes in a career (515), most rushes in a game (43) and average yards rushing in a game (93.2). He was featured as part of the All-American football team in the 1930 Warner Bros. feature movie Maybe It's Love starring 20 year old Joan Bennett and comedian Joe E. Brown. Banker was a charter member of the Tulane Athletics Hall of Fame. He was elected to the College Football Hall of Fame in 1977.

Personal facts

Birth dateApril 04, 1907
Birth place
Lake Charles Louisiana
Date of deathSeptember 25, 1985
Place of death
New Orleans
