Bill Bollinger Artist

Bill Bollinger (July 15, 1939 – May 27, 1988) was an American artist. In the late 1960s, he was one of the foremost sculptors of his time, routinely mentioned in the same breath as the likes of Bruce Nauman, Robert Smithson, Eva Hesse and Richard Serra. His work can be categorized as minimalist or postminimalist art.Recently, Bollinger's work has received renewed attention, with a retrospective hosted at SculptureCenter in New York in 2012 entitled Bill Bollinger: The Retrospective.Bollinger is currently represented by Algus Greenspon in New York.

Personal facts

Bill Bollinger
Birth dateJuly 15, 1939
Birth place
New York
United States
Date of deathMay 26, 1988
Place of death
New York
