Bill Malinchak American football player

William John Malinchak (born April 2, 1944 in Charleroi, Pennsylvania) is a former American football wide receiver and special teams ace in the National Football League in the 1960s and 1970s. He attended suburban Pittsburgh's Monessen High School. His pro-career was spent with both the Detroit Lions and the Washington Redskins.Malinchak caught few passes as a Redskins receiver but perfected the art of rushing the punter and blocking kicks. Redskins head coach George Allen was an innovator in placing great emphasis on special teams play and in Bill Malinchak Coach Allen found one of his finest special teams players. In Malinchak's best season, 1972–1973, his special teams play helped the Redskins to advance to the Super Bowl VII where they lost to the "perfect season" Miami Dolphins.

Personal facts

Birth dateApril 02, 1944
Birth place
Charleroi Pennsylvania


American football player

Career start1966
Career end1976
Draft pick39
Draft round3
Draft year1966
Wide receiver
Detroit Lions
Washington Redskins

Bill Malinchak on Wikipedia