Bill Rademacher American football player

Bill Rademacher is a former professional American football player who played wide receiver for seven seasons for the New York Jets and Boston Patriots. vte Northern Michigan Wildcats head football coaches William McCracken (1904) Charles H. Estrich (1905–1906) Unknown (1907–1908) Professor Mills (1909) Unknown (1910–1911) Deforest Stull (1912) No team (1913–1915) W. B. McClintock (1916–1917) No team (1918) L. O. Gant (1919–1921) C. B. Hedgcock (1922–1933) R. Victor Hurst (1934–1935) C. B. Hedgcock (1936–1937) R. Victor Hurst (1938–1942) No team (1943–1945) C. V. Money (1947–1955) Lloyd Eaton (1956) F. L. Ferzacca (1957–1965) Rollie Dotsch (1966–1970) Rae Drake (1971–1973) Gil Krueger (1974–1977) Bill Rademacher (1978–1982) Herb Grenke (1983–1990) Mark Marana (1991–1994) Eric Holm (1995–2001) Doug Sams (2002–2005) Bernie Anderson (2006–) vte New York Jets Super Bowl III Champions 11 Jim Turner | 12 Joe Namath  | 13 Don Maynard | 15 Babe Parilli | 22 Jim Hudson | 23 Bill Rademacher | 24 Johnny Sample | 26 Jim Richards | 29 Bake Turner | 30 Mark Smolinski | 31 Bill Mathis | 32 Emerson Boozer | 33 Curley Johnson | 41 Matt Snell | 42 Randy Beverly | 43 John Dockery | 45 Earl Christy | 46 Bill Baird | 47 Mike D'Amato | 48 Cornell Gordon | 50 Carl McAdams | 51 Ralph Baker | 52 John Schmitt | 56 Paul Crane | 60 Larry Grantham | 61 Bob Talamini | 62 Al Atkinson | 63 John Neidert | 66 Randy Rasmussen | 67 Dave Herman | 71 Sam Walton | 72 Paul Rochester | 74 Jeff Richardson | 75 Winston Hill | 80 John Elliott | 81 Gerry Philbin | 83 George Sauer | 85 Steve Thompson | 86 Verlon Biggs | 87 Pete Lammons Head Coach: Weeb Ewbank Coaches: Walt Michaels | Clive Rush | Buddy Ryan | Joe Spencer

Personal facts

Birth dateMay 13, 1942
Birth place
Menominee Michigan
