Billy Devaney American football player

William Joseph Peter Francis "Billy" Devaney (born March 7, 1955) is a professional American football analyst on ESPN. Prior to that Devaney was a football executive. He was the general manager for the St. Louis Rams of the National Football League from 2008 to 2011. He formerly was an assistant to the general manager with the Atlanta Falcons. He replaced the longtime Rams president of football operations, Jay Zygmunt, at the end of the 2008 season.Devaney began his career serving as the director of pro personnel under Bobby Beathard during his time with the San Diego Chargers from 1990 to 2000. He also worked a brief stint with the San Francisco 49ers for three seasons. Devaney then worked with the CBS pregame show for two years. In 2006 Devaney began working as an assistant to Rich McKay, president and former general manager of the Atlanta Falcons from 2006 to early 2008. In February 2008 the St. Louis Rams hired him as vice president of pro personnel to help conduct their 2008 draft. He was promoted to general manager of the Rams on December 24, 2008. He made his first major hire as the Rams' general manager on January 17, 2009, when the Rams announced that Steve Spagnuolo would be its new head coach. Since the hiring he had revamped the entire front office of the Rams. He was fired at the end of the 2011 season after a 10-38 record as GM.Devaney was raised in the Leonardo section of Middletown Township, New Jersey, and attended Mater Dei High School. He went on to attend Elon University.

Personal facts

Birth dateMarch 07, 1955
Birth place
Red Bank New Jersey


American football player

Former team
Atlanta Falcons
San Diego Chargers
San Francisco 49ers
St. Louis Rams
Washington Redskins
General manager (American football)

Billy Devaney on Wikipedia