Blackie Ko Artist

Blackie Ko (Chinese: 柯受良; pinyin: Kē Shòu Liáng) (February 22, 1953 - December 9, 2003) was a famous Taiwanese film director, producer, stuntman, singer and actor. Blackie was considered as the greatest automotive stunt choreographer in Asia.

Personal facts

Alias (AKA)
Blackie Ko Shou-liang
Blacky Ko
Blacky Ko Sau-leung
Kao Sau-leung
Ko Sau-leung
Ko Shou-liang
Sau-leung Ko
Shou-liang Ko
Birth dateFebruary 22, 1953
Birth place
Date of deathDecember 09, 2003
Place of death
China , Shanghai



Career started1965
Career ended2003

Blackie Ko on Wikipedia