Bob Maddox American football player

Robert "Bob" Earl Maddox (born May 2, 1949 in Frederick, Maryland) is a former professional American football defensive lineman in the National Football League. He played college football at Frostburg State College, where he played defensive tackle and defensive end. He then was drafted in the 7th round by the Cincinnati Bengals in the 1973 NFL Draft. He went on to play for the Kansas City Chiefs for two years afterwards. He is now at Trinity High School in Louisville, Kentucky as the strength coach, where he has coached the powerlifting team to five straight national championships. He was also illegally drafted by the San Francisco 49ers in the 15th round of the 1972 NFL Draft.

Personal facts

Birth dateMay 02, 1929
Birth place
Frederick Maryland


American football player

Career start1974
Career end1976
Draft pick171
Draft round12
Draft year1973
Tackle (American and Canadian football)
Defensive end
Cincinnati Bengals
Kansas City Chiefs

Bob Maddox on Wikipedia