Bob Young American football player

Robert Allen Young (September 3, 1942 – June 17, 1995) was an American football offensive guard who played 16 seasons in the National Football League, mainly for the St. Louis Cardinals, where he and other Cardinal offensive linemen are credited with introducing modern weightlifting/powerlifting into the training regime of the NFL. He was named to two Pro Bowls (1978 & 1979) and was a first team All Pro selection in 1979 as well. Young attended Howard Payne University. He was the older brother of three-time world powerlifting champion Doug Young.

Personal facts

Birth dateSeptember 03, 1942
Birth place
Marshall Texas
Date of deathJune 17, 1995
Place of death
Missouri City Texas


American football player

Career start1966
Career end1981
Draft pick261
Draft round19
Draft year1964
Guard (American and Canadian football)
Arizona Cardinals
Denver Broncos
New Orleans Saints
Tennessee Titans
1980 NFL season

Bob Young on Wikipedia