Bradford Lyttle Politician

Bradford Lyttle (born November 20, 1927) is a prominent pacifist and peace activist. He was an organizer with the Committee for Non-Violent Action of several major campaigns against militarism, including "Omaha Action", against land-based nuclear missiles (1959); "Polaris Action" against submarine-based nuclear missiles (1960); the San Francisco to Moscow Peace Walk (1961); and the Quebec-Washington-Guantanamo Peace Walk (1963).In 1965 Bradford gave lectures on 'Non-Violent resistance' for the newly founded Free University of New York.Among his theoretical works are a 1958 pamphlet presenting the case for nonviolent national defense against aggression; and a mathematical formula called "The Apocalypse Equation", which argues that, over time, the probability of nuclear missiles being used approaches 100%.He is also the founder and perennial candidate for the office of President of the United States of the United States Pacifist Party. He ran as a write-in candidate in the 1984, 1996, and 2000 elections, and on the ballot in the state of Colorado in 2008. In 2008 Lyttle came in second to last of sixteen candidates in Colorado for which he received 110 votes, beating only Gene Amondson of the Prohibition Party. In Colorado, Amondson came in last place among all candidates with ballot access (though Amondson won enough votes elsewhere to surpass Lyttle's total nationally).Lyttle was arrested for nonviolent peaceful demonstrations many times. In 1996 he, David Dellinger, and Abbie Hoffman's son Andrew were among ten people arrested for a sit-in at the Chicago Federal Building during the first Democratic National Convention held in Chicago since 1968.

Personal facts

Birth dateNovember 20, 1927
Birth place
