Brahim Mojtar

Brahim Mokhtar Boumakhrouta is the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Delegate Minister for Africa. He is a prominent member of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) diplomatic corps. He has had several postings around the world, both as Polisario representative and SADR ambassador. He has also held two positions in the SADR government, Secretary General of Government (cabinet position) 2001-2003 and Director of Protocol 2003-2007 of the President Mohamed Abdelaziz. Mokhtar grew up in El Aaiun and studied economic science at the University of Málaga, Spain. In 1976, he opened the POLISARIO office in Stockholm, Sweden.

Personal facts

Brahim Mojtar
Birth dateDecember 18, 1953
Birth place
El Aaiún , Spanish Sahara
Sahrawi people
Sunni Islam
University of Málaga


Brahim Mojtar on Wikipedia