Braulio of Zaragoza Saint

Saint Braulio or Braulius (in Latin Braulio Caesaraugustanus), bishop of Zaragoza (590–651), was a learned cleric of 7th century Hispania. He succeeded his brother John in the see where he had previously been archdeacon. He was an advisor and confidante of several Visigoth kings, including Chindasuinth, whose son Recceswinth he recommended be installed as associate king.He wrote a life of San Millan. He is reported to have encouraged Isidore of Seville in his encyclopaedic ambitions, and to have had a hand in the revision of his works. He was present at the councils of Toledo in 633, 636, and 638 and he responded on behalf of the Iberian clergy to Pope Honorius I's charge that they were neglectful of their duties. He went blind before death. He was buried in what is now the church of Nuestra Señora del Pilar in Zaragoza. He was succeeded as bishop of Zaragoza by Taius (Taio), who had been his pupil.He is buried in La Seo Cathedral, Zaragoza.

Personal facts

Braulio of Zaragoza
Birth dateJanuary 01, 0590
Date of deathJanuary 01, 0651



feast day0018-03-26
major shrine
Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar
venerated in
Catholic Church

Braulio of Zaragoza on Wikipedia

External resources
