Brian Wiggins American football player

Brian Wiggins is a former award winning wide receiver in the Canadian Football League.Wiggins played his college football at Texas Southern University. Not drafted and a free agent, he signed with the New England Patriots in 1991 but was released before the regular season. He played for the New Orleans Night of the Arena Football League in 1992 where he caught 72 passes for 805 yards.He joined the CFL's Calgary Stampeders in 1993, and his 47 catches for 881 yards won the Jackie Parker Trophy for best rookie in the Western Conference. In 1994 he had 64 catches for 859 yards and became a free agent after the season, leaving the CFL. During 1995 and 1996 he was on the Carolina Panthers practice squad. In 1998 he returned with Edmonton and caught 31 passes for 443 yards. His 16 receptions in one game, at Saskatchewan, October 23, 1993, is still a CFL record.Presently he is the President and Coach of the Houston Energy, a team in the Independent Women's Football League.

Personal facts

Birth dateJune 14, 1968
Birth place
New Rochelle New York
