Bruce Alford Sr. American football player

Herbert Bruce Alford Sr. (September 12, 1922 – May 8, 2010) was an American football end in the National Football League for the New York Yanks. He also played football in the All-America Football Conference for the New York Yankees. Alford played college football at Texas Christian University. Where he was named MVP in the 1942 Orange Bowl. After retiring, he was a line judge in the NFL for 20 seasons, from 1960 to 1979, working three Super Bowls (II, VII, IX), wearing number 24. His son, Bruce Alford Jr., also played in the NFL.

Personal facts

Birth dateSeptember 12, 1922
Birth place
Waco Texas , United States
Date of deathMay 08, 2010
Place of death
Fort Worth Texas , United States
