Bud Sherrod American football player

Horace Monroe "Bud" Sherrod, Jr. (born December 2, 1927 in Knoxville, Tennessee) was a professional American football end in the National Football League for the New York Giants in 1952. He played college football at the University of Tennessee.Sherrod also served as an assistant football coach for the Texas Tech Red Raiders from 1954–1957 under DeWitt Weaver.

Personal facts

Bud Sherrod
Birth dateDecember 02, 1927
Birth place
Knoxville Tennessee
Date of deathAugust 31, 1980
Place of death


American football player

Career start1952
Career end1952
Draft pick206
Draft round17
Draft year1952
Defensive end
End (American football)
New York Giants

Bud Sherrod on Wikipedia