Burt Shavitz

Ingram Berg Shavitz (born 1935), known as Burt Shavitz, is a beekeeper and an American businessman notable for founding the Burt's Bees personal care products company with businesswoman Roxanne Quimby. He changed his name in 1953 when he finished high school.Burt Shavitz is originally from Great Neck, New York but currently resides in Parkman, Maine. He grew up in New York, spent time in the Army prior to moving to Maine. Prior to moving to Maine, he took photographs for Time Life magazine while living in Manhattan. He eventually settled in Maine, discovered beekeeping as a source of income and met Roxanne Quimby who would sell his wax candles at local fairs. An increase in sales and production led to them launching Burt's Bees in the 1980s. As the partnership and business grew, operations were set up in North Carolina in 1994, soon thereafter the partnership between Shavitz and Quimby waned leading to Quimby buying out Shavitz's stake in the company. In 2007, Clorox purchased Burt's Bees for more than $900 million.


Burt Shavitz on Wikipedia