Buzz Guy American football player

Melwood Norman "Buzz" Guy, Jr. (1936–2010) was an American football offensive lineman who played professionally in the National Football League (NFL) and the American Football League (AFL).Guy hails from Ellwood City, Pennsylvania where he played for the Lincoln High School Wolverines. Following graduation in 1954, he attended Duke University where he played college football. According to his obituary, he was known as Buster in high school, a more fitting name for a star athlete than "Melwood from Ellwood." Later Buster was shortened to Buzz because Duke athletics eschewed multisyllabic monikers in the 1950s. An offensive lineman, Guy saw action in the 1955 Orange Bowl in which the Blue Devils rolled over the Nebraska Cornhuskers 34–7. Following the game, Nebraska Head Coach Bill Glasford singled out the play of Duke's offensive line as the key to the game, saying, "That Duke line outcharged us.".He was drafted in the third round of the 1958 NFL Draft by the Cleveland Browns. He first saw playing time with the New York Giants (1958–1959). He was selected by the Dallas Cowboys in the 1960 NFL Expansion Draft and would spend the season with them. He also played for the AFL's Denver Broncos (1961) and Houston Oilers (1961).

Personal facts

Alias (AKA)Buster Melwood Junior
Birth dateMarch 20, 1936
Birth place
Ellwood City Pennsylvania
Date of deathNovember 25, 2010
Place of death
Ellwood City Pennsylvania


American football player

Career start1958
Career end1961
Draft pick
(By the Cleveland Browns)
Draft round3
Draft year1958
Guard (American and Canadian football)
American Football League
Dallas Cowboys
National Football League
Tennessee Titans

Buzz Guy on Wikipedia