Byron Weston Politician

Captain Byron Curtis Weston (April 9, 1832 - November 8, 1898) was a native of Massachusetts who founded the Weston Paper Company in 1863 (which ceased to exist following its sale in 2008) and served as the 32nd Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts from 1880 to 1883. He came from an old New England Congregationalist family of extraordinary wealth. In 1865, he married Julia Clark Mitchell, with whom he had ten children, including Julia Carolyn Weston, mother to the well known chef Julia Child. They lived in a mansion known as Westonholme, in Dalton, Massachusetts. Weston was known for his gifts to the community, including the Grace Episcopal Church in his hometown and funds towards the debt incurred for the grading and draining of an athletic field and monies toward upkeep and a grandstand at Williams College. Weston received an honorary M.A. from Williams College in 1886 and the field, still used today, was named Weston Field in his honor.Byron married Julia Mitchell; their daughter Ellen Mitchell Weston married Hale Holden in 1895.

Personal facts

Birth dateApril 09, 1832
Birth place
Dalton Massachusetts
Date of deathNovember 08, 1898
Place of death
Dalton Massachusetts
