Cameron Leigh Stewart Scientist

Cameron Leigh Stewart is a Canadian mathematician. He is currently a professor of mathematics at the University of Waterloo. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 1989. He was appointed Fellow of the Fields Institute in 2008. Since 2003 he has held a Canada Research Chair (tier 2). Since 2005 he has been appointed University Professor at the University of Waterloo. He made numerous contributions to number theory, in particular the abc conjecture. C.L. Stewart completed a B. Sc at the University of British Columbia in 1971 and a M. Sc in 1972 from McGill University. He earned his doctorate from the University of Cambridge in 1976, under supervision of Alan Baker. While at Cambridge he was awarded the J.T. Knight Prize in 1974.

Personal facts

University of British Columbia
McGill University
University of Cambridge
