Carl Edwards Nascar driver

For the stained glass designer with a similar name, see Carl Johannes EdwardsCarl Michael Edwards II (born August 15, 1979) is a NASCAR driver. He currently drives the No. 19 Arris Group/Stanley Tools-sponsored Toyota Camry in the Sprint Cup Series for Joe Gibbs Racing. Prior to that, he drove the No. 99 Ford Fusion for Roush Fenway Racing. He won the 2007 NASCAR Busch Series championship and nearly won the 2011 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series title, but lost by a tiebreaker to Tony Stewart. Edwards is well known for doing a backflip off of his car to celebrate a victory.

Personal facts

Carl Edwards
Alias (AKA)Edwards Carl Michael II (full name)
Birth dateAugust 15, 1979
Birth place
Columbia Missouri


Carl Edwards on Wikipedia

External resources
