Carlo Emanuele Ruspoli 3rd Duke of Morignano Royalty

Don Carlo Emanuele Maria (Carlos Manuel María) Ruspoli y Soler, di Brazzà-Cergneu-Savorgnan y Borghi, dei Principi Ruspoli di Poggio Suasa e di Cerveteri (born October 29, 1949 in Rome) is the 3rd and last Duca di Morignano, Nobile di Viterbo e di Orvieto, Patrizio Romano, Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, and iure uxoris Duque de Plasencia. Firstborn son of Galeazzo Maria Alvise Emanuele Ruspoli, 2nd Duke of Morignano and first wife Doña María Elisa Soler y Borghi (San Salvador, June 25, 1926 –), of the Marqueses de Rabell. His great-great-great-great-uncle was Cardinal Bartolomeo Ruspoli. He is also a half-second cousin once removed of actor Bart Ruspoli.He is Doctor of Architecture of the University of Rome, writer and researcher.

Personal facts

Birth dateOctober 29, 1949
Birth place
Italy , Rome
Galeazzo Maria Alvise Emanuele Ruspoli 2nd Duke of Morignano
Duke of Plasencia
Title3rd Duke of Morignano
