Carlos Enrique Díaz de León President

Carlos Enrique Díaz de León (1910–2014) was the provisional President of Guatemala from 27 June 1954 to 28 June 1954. He was replaced by a military junta led by Elfegio Monzón. Carlos Enrique Díaz was chief of the armed forces.Diaz was also a friend and successor of Guatemalan president Jacobo Árbenz. At the direction of the CIA and US Ambassador John Peurifoy, Díaz convinced Árbenz to resign the presidency.Military Government Board (1954)Colonel Carlos Enrique DiazColonel H. Elfego MonzónColonel Jose Angel SanchezLater the CIA decided that Díaz was too indulgent of Communists and he was forced to resign. He was later replaced by Elfegio Monzón, an officer in the national army who had opposed Árbenz. Díaz was exiled and lived, until his death, in México. His body resides in Guatemala.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1915
Birth place




Carlos Enrique Díaz de León on Wikipedia