Cezar Peluso Judge

Antonio Cezar Peluso (3 September 1942) is a Brazilian jurist. He was a member of the Supreme Federal Court (in Portuguese: Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF)) and has been the Court's Chief Justice from April 2010 to April 2012 (in Portuguese: Presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal).Born in Bragança Paulista, São Paulo, Peluso is one of the two current members of the Court with a prior career as a judge (beside Luiz Fux). He is known for his collected demeanor and his ample juridical knowledge, even among Brazil's most important jurists. When Peluso became the President of the STF, analysts such as journalist Elio Gaspari pointed out that his reserved style is a contrast to that of Gilmar Mendes, Peluso's predecessor, who is regarded as a more outspoken figure. However, both judges often agree on juridical decisions; they generally stand on the Court's conservative and textualist wing. On December 16, 2010, he stated that the Supreme Court of Brazil would not review the Amnesty Law on the part which grants immunity to prosecution for former torturers of the oppressive military regime that, after the 1964 coup, installed a 20-year-long dictatorship in Brazil.As the Chief Justice of the Supreme Federal Tribunal, Peluso also headed the National Justice Council.He experienced his mandatory retirement in September 3, 2012.

Personal facts

Cezar Peluso
Birth dateSeptember 03, 1942
Birth place
São Paulo (state) , Bragança Paulista
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo
Universidade Católica de Santos



FromJune 25, 2003
ToApril 18, 2012
4th President of the National Justice Council
Supreme Federal Court justice
vice president

Cezar Peluso on Wikipedia