Chad Morton American football player

Chad Akio Morton (born April 4, 1977 in Torrance, California) is a former American football running back and kick/punt returner in the National Football League. He was drafted from USC late in the fifth round of the 2000 NFL Draft by the New Orleans Saints. After a standout rookie year with the Saints, Morton played five more years between stints with the New York Jets, the Washington Redskins, and the New York Giants.Morton was part of the Green Bay Packers coaching staff during the Packers' 2010-'11 championship year. He is currently on the Seattle Seahawks' coaching staff as a special teams assistant.

Personal facts

Birth dateApril 04, 1977
Birth place
Torrance California


American football player

Career start2000
Career end2006
Draft pick166
Draft round5
Draft year2000
Running back
Return specialist
New Orleans Saints
New York Giants
New York Jets
Washington Redskins

Chad Morton on Wikipedia

External resources
