Chafie Fields American football player

Chafie Ali Fields (born February 4, 1977 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is a sports and talent agent. He is a former professional American football wide receiver in the National Football League. He played college football at Penn State University. Fields partnered with Joel Segal, the longtime head of Worldwide Entertainment & Sports in 2005. Their firm, Fields Consulting, based in Miami, Florida, represents various athletes and entertainers, most notably Arizona Cardinals 2007 first-round draft pick Levi Brown, Detroit Lions wide receiver Bryant Johnson and Buffalo Bills 2009 first-round pick Aaron Maybin. Although Fields resides in Miami, he is a partner in a Philadelphia restaurant, Halal Bilah.

Personal facts

Birth dateFebruary 04, 1977
Birth place
Height (meters)1.8542
Weight (Kilograms)90.72
