Charlie Davis American football player

Charles Douglas "Charlie" Davis (born January 16, 1952 in West Columbia, Texas) is a former American football running back for the Cincinnati Bengals and Tampa Bay Buccaneers of the National Football League. A 1974 draft choice from the University of Colorado, he rushed 72 times for 375 yards and caught 19 passes for 171 yards as a rookie, but suffered a preseason knee injury that prevented him from playing in 1975. In 1976, he was traded to the expansion Buccaneers for a future draft choice, which turned out to be a 1977 4th-rounder. Davis scored the Buccaneers' first-ever offensive touchdown, a 1-yard run in week 4 of the 1976 season against the Baltimore Colts, but later suffered another knee injury and spent the remainder of the 1976 season and the 1977 season on injured reserve.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 06, 1952
Birth place
West Columbia Texas
Height (meters)1.8034
Weight (Kilograms)90.72


American football player

University of Colorado Boulder
Cincinnati Bengals
Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Charlie Davis on Wikipedia