Charlie Emig Baseball player

Charles Henry Emig (April 5, 1875 – October 2, 1975) was a Major League Baseball pitcher. He played in one game for the Louisville Colonels of the National League in 1896. Though it was not realized by baseball researchers at the time of his death, Emig is currently accepted to be the last surviving 19th century Major Leaguer; it would take another two decades after his death before researchers uncovered that he, not Ralph Miller as previously thought, held that distinction.

Personal facts

Birth dateApril 05, 1875
Birth place
Date of deathOctober 02, 1975
Place of death
Oklahoma City


Baseball player

Career startSeptember 04, 1896
Career endSeptember 04, 1896
batting sideRight
former teams
Louisville Colonels
Louisville Colonels
throwing sideLeft

Charlie Emig on Wikipedia