Charlie Nesser American football player

Charles T. Nesser (1903 – February 1970) was a professional football player in the National Football League for the Columbus Panhandles. Charlie played only season, 1921, in the NFL. He was son of Ted Nesser, a member of the infamous Nesser Brothers. During the 1921 season, six of the Nessers played for the Panhandles, with Charlie being the seventh family member on the team. The 1921 team was coached by his father, Ted, who served as a player-coach. This is marked as the only father-son combination to play together in NFL history.

Personal facts

Birth dateJanuary 01, 1903
Birth place
Columbus Ohio , Ohio , United States
Date of deathFebruary 26, 1970
Place of death
Ohio , Franklin County Ohio , United States


American football player

Tackle (American and Canadian football)
Halfback (American football)

Charlie Nesser on Wikipedia

External resources
