Charlie Yingling Baseball player

Charles Christian "Charlie" Yingling (December 7, 1865 to April 13, 1897) was a professional baseball player. Yingling played in one game in Major League Baseball with the Philadelphia Phillies in 1894 as a shortstop. He had one hit in four at bats. Yingling was born and died in Baltimore, Maryland.Coincidentally, Charlie's brother, Joe Yingling, also appeared in just one major league game, in his case as a pitcher. In 1887, the two were teammates on the minor league baseball team in Haverhill, Massachusetts.

Personal facts

Birth dateDecember 07, 1865
Birth place
Date of deathApril 13, 1897
Place of death


Baseball player

Career startJune 22, 1894
Career endJune 22, 1894
batting sideUnknown
former teams
Philadelphia Phillies
Philadelphia Phillies
throwing sideUnknown

Charlie Yingling on Wikipedia